This post is an reaction to recent study of thousands of species of plants and animals, which suggests, that new species may arise from rare events instead of through an accumulation of small changes made in response to changes in the environment. This is basically an emergent mechanism of AWT, so we can find many analogies of this finding in both social, both physical systems.
It's well known, human society is evolving "in circles", too. Many human inventions (Antikythera machine and gear mechanism), theories (plenum or Aether theory) or social arrangement (the constitution and voting systems) were forgotten and reinvented and subsequentially abandoned later again. We can see it as an analogy with spreading of energy in particle system, for example in ripples at water surface, which transforms gradually from longitudinal (Brownian noise) into transversal (capillary waves) and back into longitudinal (gravity waves) again.
A dual model consist in nested particle condensation: the effects of tiny density fluctuations are cumulating in emergent way, until it transforms into new homogeneous phase, in which density of fluctuations increases gradually until it forms nearly homogeneous phase in which... etc... Note, that we can observe a dark matter or supersymmetry phenomena here: the chaotic portion of quantitative models can ofter serve for formulation of new qualitative models and vice versa in simmilar way, like electric field transforms into magnetic one and back again during light wave spreading through vacuum.
This transform corresponds incident structure of Leaky Quantum Gravity (LQG) theory related to Möbius transform, which is isomorphic to restricted Lorentz group - so if Universe or black hole appears like doughnut, it becomes broken in symmetry (i.e. sliced) in recursive way of Möbius strip of Klein bottle. We can met with this geometry in Möbius strip structure of electron or inside of atom nuclei in structure of hadrons (see the previous post). In archetypal and sacred geometry we can met with this concept in Ouroboros archetype (based supposedly on Cordylus giganteus scink observations).
For example, mainstream physics is now in the phase, when the number of various theories developed in formal models in rather ad-hoced way increased above critical level, so that new meta-theories started to emerge. These meta-theories are now in their protoscience state like vague density fluctuations forming inside of dense gas - but we shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water too soon, because the formal approach apparently reached its limits. We can call it an informational singularity, but I'd prefer rather gradualistic view of this process, in which phase-shifted boundaries of both formal, both non-formal approaches are fuzzy and they traveling together in duality like zone of crystallization through block universe (1, 2), or - even better - like the light wave spreading through vacuum.
The model of EM wave spreading is consistent with Red Queen Theory of co-evolution, based on constant evolutionary arms race between competing species. For example the high number of insects or deep sea species can be explained by adaptation to predators or parasites, which are specialized to its prey, where we can find many examples of co-evolution. During this genotypes oscillate over time in waves phase-shifted by their half-period, as if they were "running" in circles and informational event horizons are formed in accordance of paleobiological theory of punctuated equilibrium. It means, from local perspective we can see certain steps in gradualist evolution, which corresponds nested phase transforms in AWT.
This model has its analogies in social systems, too. Frozen plasticity theory (article in Czech), which is based on game theory and selfish gene model considers, only portion of population can evolve freely, after certain time it becomes unable of further evolution and after catastrophic change it will not survive. This character of evolution, which occurs when natural conditions are changing fast (as the result of impact of asteroids, global volcanic or man-made fossil fuels burning activity) could be explained by reservoir of sleeping genes in so called the "junk" DNA", which are activated in poor life situation of organisms (i.e. infection by virulent agents), where horizontal gene transfers via RNA takes place.
The basic point here is, "junk" DNA is not junk at all, but it doesn't serve for production of proteins, but various RNAs, which are serving both like enhancers or suppressors of transcription of proximal genes, which are used by immune system for production of antibodies, for example. This is particularly because fylogenetic evolution is too slow to accommodate changes in life environment, represented by various infections and parasites. We can expect, at the very beginning of fast-paced organic life, whole genetic variability was represented just by RNA, as DNA is more advanced stuff. This flexibility can explain Lamarckian offspring of fast adaptation to large infections or environmental catastrophes.
Because these events can repeat, we can find many traits of cyclic evolution in repetitive occurrence of many genes observed in "junk" DNA. Recently, experimental results by Gariaev et al indicate that some, and perhaps important, aspects of genetic regulation are mediated at a quantum level (1, 2 - possibly via quantum mirage mechanism).
It's evident, despite of increased number of species formally registered, the biodiversity of life environment goes down as a whole. It's a big problem, because these organisms are conserving million years in its evolution, they can contain important nutrients, cancer cure or materials or principles interesting for technology and biomechanics. The shortseeing money driven economy cannot evaluate the price of such lost of biodiversity for human civilization. In fact this economy is not even able to drive itself, as evident to the occurrence of periodical crisis - only some dumbasses cannot understand it.
ReplyDeleteWe should stop global warming not just for its impact to economy and geopolitical stability, but with respect to our potentially more advanced future, too. Why mainstream physicists are ignoring cold fusion research, for example? They killed many organisms by their ignorant stance.. I'm very upset by this situation.:-((
I can perceive the ignorance of cold fusion and the noncritical preference of LHC as a dual problems of mainstream physics: it may be possible, the best success of physics would become its very last one in both cases.
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding? Cold fusion is just pseudoscience. Read Wikipedia please:
ReplyDelete“... By late 1989, most scientists considered cold fusion claims dead,[6] and cold fusion subsequently gained a reputation as pathological science. ...“
The fact, most of flies are sitting at single place still doesn't mean, this stance cannot be a shit.
ReplyDeleteWhy Scientists Shouldn’t Be Surprised by the Popularity of Intelligent Design
ReplyDelete"The past does not repeat itself, but it rhymes." - Mark Twain
ReplyDeleteResearcher says he can see cycles of violence in history of USA (img)
ReplyDeleteIn AWT we are essentially a Boltzmann brains. The recipe to spontaneous formation of such complexity inside of otherwise random universe is surprisingly simple: we should travel as long path at particular place of the Universe, as we can, i.e. to revolve another revolving system inside it. Just this way enables us to cross as long path across time dimension, as we observe by now. The diameter of observable universe just corresponds the total length, we already traveled inside of Milky Way galaxy and solar system along nested circular paths.
ReplyDeleteAs the Red Queen told Alice, "It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place"
I would like to see the first pic in bigger but the link doesn't work :)
ReplyDeleteLink to picture has been updated, thank you for notification.