Physicists in Germany have performed the most precise Michelson-Morley experiment to date, confirming that the speed of light is the same in all directions. The experiment, which involves rotating two optical cavities, is about 10 times more precise than previous experiments – and a hundred million times more precise than famous Michelson and Morley's 1887 experiment (MMX).
This zero result still cannot be interpreted as an absence of Aether environment for light spreading (so called luminiferous Aether), though. This is because no (motion/reference frame of) environment can be detected by its own waves locally, and nothing strange is about it. Whether we can observe water surface by water surface waves? Indeed not - with respect to these waves water surface is just a void, empty space. If we would observe something, it would be obstacle for surface waves, but not environment anymore. This is a trivial geometrical insight, independent to character of light wave and or even Aether theory validity: no local object can be observed from insintric and exsintric perspective at the same moment, i.e. locally.
This still doesn't mean, such environment doesn't exist from nonlocal and/or higher-dimensional perspective, mediated by tachyons, like gravitational waves, for example. And because every laser is of finite length, we should observe nonlocal effects, too. The true is, due the quantum phenomena no object is completely local and for microwaves of cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) Lorentz symmetry would remain fulfilled even at the case, when these objects would remain relatively large - in distance/size range of CMB wavelength (~2,64 cm at 2,73 K black body temperature), which roughly corresponds human scale (size of brain waves). Therefore for CMB Lorentz and Poincaré symmetry remains violated only at the cosmological scale (Doppler anisotropy of CMB).
For photons of observable light we should detect gradient of CMB photons density (dark matter effect, dual to Casimir force) and Lense-Thirring effect (frame dragging effect) in proper orientation of laser perpendicularly to gravitational field gradient. The later effect will lead to antigravity effects at speed higher then 0,57 c, thus switching the sign of dark matter effect. Such insights renders warped space around moving Earth in rather complex way. The nonzero rest mass of photons would complicate result of MMX even more for light of shorter wavelengths. For example gamma ray photons are insintrically slow and they could be outdistanced even by lightweight part of observable matter (aka neutrinos), whereas photons of longer wavelengths, then the CMB are effectively tachyons and they undergo fast dispersion in CMB field.
The post linked here was deleted after few hours by editor Physics World journal Mr. James Dacey from discussion bellow original article, because mainstream science proponents don't want to hear, M-M experiment didn't disprove Aether theory before years and they want to keep rest of public in confusion, which allows them ask another money for grant support.
ReplyDeleteMr. Dacey is a pleasant young guy and his example illustrates clearly, why I don't believe in conspiration theories, but emergent power of collective dumbness.
ReplyDeleteTherefore for CMB Lorentz and Poincaré symmetry remains violated only at the cosmological scale
Your statement is simply false, even from AWT perspective. According AWT, LS is violated due to the dispersion of the wave packet through the hidden dimensions of the hyperspace. Therefore, you can measure the LS violation only with a new sort of matter that can leave the wave of aether. If you could stay in the hidden dimensions, then you would measure the violation of LS. Indeed this is a consequence of the AWT principle: Simillia simillibus observatur. So, if you were a outsider observer, you would measure the LS violation even locally.
I'm sorry but you are not the only person in the world who knows something about AWT.
/*..According AWT, LS is violated due to the dispersion of the wave packet through the hidden dimensions of the hyperspace...*/
ReplyDeleteThat's right. But in layman terms, CMB has nothing to disperse, because it's already dispersed. We can say, microwaves of CMB are in thermodynamic equilibrium with it's own dispersed photons.
Therefore I can say, "for CMB Lorentz and Poincaré symmetry remains violated only at the cosmological scale".
/** ..if you were a outsider observer, you would measure the LS violation even locally... **/
This is indeed possible for visible light without problem. But for CMB radiation to become outside observer isn't so easy: you should escape from our observable Universe to become able to observe our Universe "locally". Occasionally I'm saying, CMB radiation is a Hawking radiation of black hole, where we are living in by now (some theorists, like Lenny Susskin brought similar idea). It means, CMB radiation is a rare occasion to see our Universe both from outside, both from inside perspective of dispersing foam.
/* are not the only person in the world who knows something about AWT..*/
ReplyDeleteAnd I even appreciate your interest about AWT! I presume, the above controversy with CMB was just a little misunderstanding - you apparently missed "for CMB" phrase.
Why does the mankind need AWT?
ReplyDeleteLook at his face! He is hungry for money.
/*..Why does the mankind need AWT..*/
ReplyDeleteWho cares about some mankind? I'm not Jesus Christ.
/*..Look at his face! He is hungry for money...*./
ReplyDeleteA nice professional photo. My wallet happened to open spontaneously.
The Cosmological Constant Problem has been resolved.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to the theoretical physics comunity.
Cosmological Constant Problem is based on 120 orders difference between predictions of cosmological constant by quantum mechanics and observation. This discrepancy has been termed "the worst theoretical prediction in the history of physics!" and QCD cannot change this situation, being itself based on quantum mechanics.
ReplyDeleteI've just read your comments at CIP's blog. I didn't know that you are sympathiser of Nazi ideology.
Here in Spain, we lived almost 40 years of a fascist regime. I'm sorry but it was a shit. They're only criminals.
ReplyDelete/*..I didn't know that you are sympathiser of Nazi ideology...*/
ReplyDeleteLOL, how did you get it?
I think you are not a Nazi, you are only a mad old man, who is very alone. You need to be listened by someone. As you are ignored by the others, you begin to be more and more aggressive. To draw attention to yourself, only. Poor thing. Unfortunately, because your nonsenses, you're only going to get to be banned by the rest.
ReplyDelete/* you are ignored by the others, you begin to be more and more aggressive..*/
ReplyDeleteWell, my private feeling is very similar about you..;-) During last few months you considered me a professor, genius, crackpot, old lone and Nazi gradually. And so what? You already know, that I never take seriously anything, which is not supported by some logical evidence - which you haven't - so you're going to propose things like "I'm going to fight very hard against AWT", "I can insult you and you can insult me", etc... If you want to become respected by me, you should become consistent and logical - here's no way around.
Concerning Jew's intelligence, we cannot deny the fact, Jews currently make up approximately 0.25% of the world's population, but 23% of Nobelist population. I'm just proposing an explanation for it in the same way, like explanation for all other phenomena, that's all. Do you have some other explanation? If not, then your feelings are just random noise for me.
I don't care, if some hypocrites are calling it racism or not (Jews ethnic isn't race, after all). I'm interested about explanations of reality. If I would be really ignored for it, I couldn't be banned by anyone - don't you think?
/*...the Cosmological Constant Problem has been resolved...*/
ReplyDeleteProblem of Cosmological constant didn't disapear in such way. It just turned out, QED is inconsistent with (predictions of) QM, too - this is what the contemporary numerology in Physics is really about.
If you want to become respected by me, you should become consistent and logical.
ReplyDeleteZephir, 19 September 2009
:-D ... What would the life be without these great moments? Because of this, I often write comments in your blog. The Best One in the World.
The calculations of the failed experiment of Michelson-Morley were poorly made, as it is incorrect the relativistic explanation. Wishing that this issue will be of interest, I invite you to review at:
Best regards.