Sunday, September 07, 2008

Structure of observable reality

By AWT, the Aether structures are given by probability laws inside the inertial chaos, composed of many states (virtual particles). These less or more deterministic fluctuations of chaos density (i.e. the chaos density gradients) are having a structure of scale invariant Perlin noise, which we can perceive as a foam from local perspective. This structure can be derived from number theory as well, if we realize, the natural numbers are representing countable objects (colliding particles) and repeating sequences in random numbers are the less frequent, the more deterministic states (i.e. the similar numbers, the linearly increasing serii, etc.) they contain.
This is because, the density fluctuations are everything, what we can see from inertial chaos and the density fluctuations is the only way, how the energy/information can propagate at distance. So when the density of system increases, the foamy character of Perlin noise will become a clearly pronounced, so we can approximate all Aether structures (including time and space) by nested foam. This mechanism is analogous to formation of foamy density fluctuations inside of condensing supercritical liquid - so we can say, the whole observable reality has a structure of nested foam or exaggerated density fluctuations of heavily compressed particle gas or fluid: i.e. the interior of black hole.
Inside of large chaotic field the number of states, which are observable at the same moment is always quite limited because of limited speed of energy/information spreading. We can say, we are seeing something from such chaos just because we cannot see everything from it at the single moment. Therefore such system can never appear completely chaotic for us by the same
way, like the color patterns, formed by limited number of color states inside of random field of colored dots. Note that these patterns are scale invariant, they're always appear the same, despite the number of entities involved - they're forming so called unparticles.
When the density/scale of system increases, the foamy character of Perlin noise will become a clearly pronounced, so we can approximate all Aether structures (including time and space) by nested foam, which we can observe both in large scales as a streaks of dark matter, both in Planck scale as a "quantum foam" or as a "fabric of space".
It means, the Universe "as such" is completely random and it has no apparent structure or laws. But the observable portion of Universe cannot be completely random, or it wouldn't observable for us at all. Because we are highly ordered creatures, we have tendency to consider just a well organized pieces of Universe as a reality, by the same way, like we cannot see the chaotic
portion of condensing supercritical fluid - only the gradient driven portion of it. From the above follows, the observable reality is gradient driven, because we are forced to see it so. We can see exactly the same things, we could see inside of superdense particle fluid.

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