Sunday, September 07, 2008

Aether and Maxwell's Equations

Well, the vacuum is probably a dense fluid. But which fluid? A fluid composed of its own scale invariant vortices as a boson condensate. This concept explains just a hydrodynamic properties of vacuum, its vorticity in particular, which can be described by tensor fields. Therefore it belongs into realm of relativity theory, the LQG and twistor theory in particular.

The connection between fluid vorticity and electromagnetism is known for years. Whole the Maxwell's theory was based on inertial fluid concept, which Maxwell has used for explanation of his displacement current concept. No wonder, Maxwell's equations are all isomorphous with Navier-Stokes equations. The most pronounced analogy we can met at the case of hydrodynamic analogy of Biot-Savart law:

Richard Cunningham Patterson Jr.: "If something looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck."

The magnetic field transforms the vacuum into field of many tiny vortices, through which the charged particle with spin is moving along curved path, being dragged by vortex field. The analogy of Faraday-Lentz force and Newton-Magnus-Robbins force by AWT follows from the picture bellow:
For explanation of quantum mechanics properties of vacuum we are forced to adhere on foam model of vacuum, which follows from AWT as well. Only one real-life system covers both aspects of vacuum by analogy: its a condensing supercritical fluid, which can be described both fluid, both foam at the same moment. And this is where the AWT has started after one hundred years, when it was left abandoned by Sir Oliver J. Lodge, who had proposed it in 1904.


  1. Molecular Frisbee: Motion of Spinning Molecules in Inhomogeneous Fields

    The analogy of energy density field with gradient of air density is not very first one. For example, in AWT the behavior of electrons in magnetic field is an analogy of Magnus force, responsible for drag of rotating ball (electron has uncompensated surface spin too, being a charged particle) which leads to Hall effect. This analogy goes further at the case of spin Hall effect, where single electrons are replaced with spin domains in ferromagnetic materials and the gradient of energy density in vacuum (the magnetic field intensity) is replaced with temperature gradient - i.e. in the same way, like at the case of the analogy with oriented molecules in laser beam intensity profile.

  2. The physicist Frederick David Tombes describes how aether is responsible for current in his paper titled, "Maxwell's Original Equations."

  3. Maxwell 1861: On physical lines of force, explanation. Maxwell's illustration of electromotive force acting to the charged object with spin is equivalent to the illustration of Newton-Magnus-Robins force acting to the rotating objects. The equation (132) in his 1861 paper is equivalent to the famous equation E = mc² that is normally attributed to Albert Einstein more that forty years later.

  4. The ferromagnetism arises, when the materials have unpaired electron in their external orbitals. These orbitals must be plane symmetric, so that the electrons will revolve the atom bellow or above of atom mirror plane symmetry. This axial disbalance induces the precession motion into atoms and unbalanced rotation ("stirring") of vacuum around them. Only few types of orbitals do exhibit such a geometry naturally, but this asymmetry can be induced artificially, for example with deform of lattice with mechanical tension and/or impurities in similar way, like the piezoelectricity.
    In dense aether model the magnetic field is manifestation of intrinsic collective vorticity inside of cells of vacuum foam and we already have many indicia for it, because the magnetic field around wires is behaving in the same way, like the fluid around streamers. As Maxwell pointed already in his books, the magnetic force is analogy of Magnus-Robins force acting to bodies rotating in mass/energy density gradient. Just compare the way, in which young Einstein described the magnetism in his sixteens with using of aether vorticity for its explanation.This insight was never recognized with mainstream physics, which just adheres to formal description of electromagnetic field with Maxwell's equations without bothering, how Maxwell actually deduced his model.
    So that the layman people are predestined to ask again and again: magnets, HOW they do work? And the physicists saying them instead of direct answer, they shouldn't ask "WHY" question - isn't it decadent? These laymen are just paying the scientists for development of answers of such a questions.
