CfA astronomer Doug Finkbeiner, together with two of his students, Meng Su and Tracy Slatyer, used NASA's Fermi Gamma Ray Telescope to study the diffuse gamma ray emission. They revealed humongous bubbles of high energy emission protruding about 50,000 light-years above and below the galaxy, and centered on its nucleus. Recently, it was confirmed independently from IBEX observations, the Sun going to enter soon a million-degree galactic cloud of interstellar gas.
At the time of this prediction, astronomers believed that the cores of galaxies, including our own, become active ("explode") about every 10 to 100 million years and stay active for about a million years. Since our own Galactic core presently appears quiescent, they believed it would likely remain inactive for many tens of millions of years. Although in 1977, astronomer Jan Oort cited evidence that our Galactic core has been active within the past 10,000 years. In Ph.D. dissertation, Paul LaViolette hypothesized that galactic core explosions recur about every 10,000 years and last for several hundred to a few thousand years. He was the first to suggest such a short recurrence time for galactic core explosions and that our own Galactic core undergoes Seyfert-like explosions with similar frequency. In 1983 Paul LaViolette presented evidence to the scientific community indicating that galactic core explosions actually occur about every 13,000 - 26,000 years for major outbursts and more frequently for lesser events. The emitted cosmic rays escape from the core virtually unimpeded. As they travel radially outward through the Galaxy, they form a spherical shell that advances at a velocity approaching the speed of light.
LaViolette's research suggests that the Sun also became highly active as dust and gas falling onto its surface induced extreme flaring activity. Together with the radiation influx from the Sun's dust cocoon, this caused the Sun's corona and photosphere to inflate, much as is observed today in dust-choked stars called "T Tauri stars." These various solar effects caused atmospheric warming and inversion conditions that facilitated glacial growth which brought on ice age conditions. On occasions when the solar radiation influx to the Earth became particularly high, the ice age climate warmed, initiating episodes of rapid glacial melting and continental flooding. There is evidence that one particularly tragic solar flare event occurred around 12,900 years ago during a period when the Sun was particularly active. This involved the release of an immense coronal mass ejection which engulfed the Earth and induced a mass animal extinction. Details of this scenario are described in Paul LaViolette's book Earth Under Fire as well as in a series of journal articles he has published. Astronomical observations show the last major Galactic core explosion occurred as recently as 10,000 to 15,000 years ago.
LaViolette has an analysis of this evidence of a superwave event on his blog (YT video). The geometry of the bubbles coincide with a superwave event occuring approximately 26000 years ago, which is supported by evidence in the ice core record. Data obtained from polar ice core samples show evidence of this cosmic ray event as well as other cosmic ray intensity peaks from earlier times.
Veselé Vánoce - Feliz Navidad - Merry Christmas to all readers of AWT blog.
ReplyDeleteYep, thank you - and Merry Christmas to You, too!
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying that the dynamic processes, claimed by the authors, were wrong. I'd only like to say that these phenomenon have nothing to do with the global warming because the GW has been invented by communism-ecologist people to attack the free market. Zephir, unfortunately in our world there are many enemies of freedom. The GW has nothing to do with science. It's only a political problem made by criminals but with the aid of the freedom fighters we'll achieve the victory.
ReplyDeleteI don't blame you for writing such things. Your problem is due to the education received, i.e, your brain has been washed by the communism system that you have suffered. But look at Lubos, undoubtedly he's a very smart guy. Smart enough to learn that these ideas are very bad and imposed by dictators.
/* GW has been invented by communism-ecologist people to attack the free market..*/
ReplyDeleteGW has been invented with Svante Arrhenius in 1896. Arrhenius was a member of the The Swedish Society for Racial Hygiene (Eugenics) - so I'm sure, he wasn't a commie..;-)
dear Zephir,
ReplyDeleteOf course there is no global warming relation with these superwaves.
However, what could be the origin of these superwaves?
In my humble opinion, these waves are related to the electric polarity between the positive charged Galaxy nucleus and the negative charged GABHs (or Galaxy Anchor Black holes.)
and a Happy productive New Year!!
Leo Vuyk
/*..Of course there is no global warming relation with these superwaves...*/
ReplyDeleteHi, Leo? Of course, you mean? Why not? IMO black hole or whole center of galaxy is instable like every giant star.
2012 named most absurd science fiction film by NASA The one explanation could be, NASA is strongly supporting AGW, whereas the model in 2012 movie actually violates the antropogenic origin of global warming on background. I consider the recent global warming period a consequence of the above effect. The antineutrinos are accelerating the decay of radioactive elements inside of oceans and Earth mantle (the 40 potassium in particular), thus heating the Earth from "bottom up". When the shock wave of neutrinos passes by, we should expect the period of increased solar activity in the opposite direction, followed with global cooling (the man made global warming may compensate this effect less or more completely).
ReplyDeleteThe imbalance of Earth mantle in consequence of global warming can lead to increased geovolcanic activity
The increased heating of Earth core would increase tectonic activity, frequency of earthquake and tsunamies. In this article the earthquakes became five times more energetic, then before. Therefore the 2012 movie was quite correct at both factual, both physical level. 2012 movie was based on idea, neutrinos gone wild and they melted the Earth core. It looks like an apparent nonsense, but recently was found, the increase of neutrino flux can actually accelerate the decay of heavy elements. We can literally say, observable matter is dissolving inside of dense vacuum like wet sand in watter.
Monckton Myth #1: Cooling oceans (more debunking of Christopher Monckton - the same Monckton that falsely claimed to be a Nobel laureate and maintained that he has invented a cure for HIV, multiple sclerosis, influenza and other diseases)
ReplyDelete2010 ended with an unprecedented flurry of small comets diving into the Sun.
ReplyDelete"The storm began on Dec 13th and ended on the 22nd," says Karl Battams of the Naval Research Lab in Washington, DC. "During that time, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) detected 25 comets diving into the sun. It was crazy!" Researchers say this could herald a much larger comet still to come.
Sorry Zephir for my late reaction.
ReplyDeleteI must reject my 'of course not".
It should be "of course yes"
Planets are puffed up by the Mini Black hole nuclei of former Comets which crashed into these planets and even moons.
As an example I wrote in the past to bautforum .
If neutrinos are packed together tightly enough, they become social, interactive party animals.
ReplyDeleteWhile the influence of human to global warming in undeniable (compare the rainy weekends phenomena, for example), I don't think the recent development of global warming is of atropocentric origin. IMO solar system is facing dense cloud of dark matter (consisting of mostly antinetrinos), which are shifting center of mass of solar system, thus breaking solar cycles driven with Jupiter planet. Evidence of global warming accross solar system: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
ReplyDeleteThe antineutrinos are supposedly slowing nuclear fusion, but they're accelerating the decay of heavy elements (the electron capture of K-40 in particular) which are the sources of geothermal heat as the Earth and another planets of solar system. The geothermal flux from the Earth core to the bottom of the ocean can be quite negiglible (~ 0,5 W/m² with compare to 1600 W/m² of solar constant). Most of heat is generated with decay of K-40 directly at the water. The total activity of ocean water exceeds 3.8 x 10E+11 Ci (14000 EBq) - for comparison 100 million Ci has been released in ninety atmospheric tests at the Nevada Test Site. The hypothesis is supported with heat content anomaly and with recent finding of the hidden circumantartic current,
As the another indicia of this hypothesis can increased geovolcanic activity (observable for example at Vesuvius and Yellowstone calderas), increased frequency and intensity of earthquakes, the increased frequency of comet impacts observed at Jupiter and Sun, the swelling of kilogram and meter prototypes in dense vacuum, the shift of speed of light and/or gravity constant toward lower values, etc. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23)
Earthquake at Christchurchi
According to Lorio, the Moon's eccentricity has increased at an anomalous rate
ReplyDeleteStuart Freedman: "One thing we can say with near certainty is that radioactive decay alone is not enough to account for Earth's heat energy. Whether the rest is primordial heat or comes from some other source is an unanswered question".
ReplyDeleteMs. Riofrio thinks a black hole has breached our planet's core and may be about to release literal hell on Earth.
NASA geophysicists find natural cycles to Earth's warming that correlate to movement of liquid iron in Earth's outer core -- up until 1930
ReplyDeleteWhat a great piece to write on! Such wild new information we're compiling now in regards to the astro-geophysical model of climate variation. I have written bits and pieces about the same topic(s) within many of my blog articles, but I usually subsume them into anthropological research and theories. Even the origin of musical frequency timing is perhaps strikingly relative to the 26,000 (25,920 really) year-long precession of equinoxes, a timeframe somewhat referred to in this piece of yours. Anywho - glad to link up! Keep 'em coming.
ReplyDeleteOne paper claims the heat is real, but it's deep in the oceans. Spencer's work, published (pdf) in the journal Remote Sensing, concludes that more energy is radiated back to space than previously thought, and it is released earlier, too.
ReplyDeletePartial radiogenic heat model for Earth revealed by geoneutrino measurements: "One thing we can say with near certainty is that radioactive decay alone is not enough to account for Earth's heat energy. Whether the rest is primordial heat or comes from some other source is an unanswered question."
ReplyDeleteI almost accidentally visited to this site, but stayed here for a long time.
ReplyDeleteMan I love this comment and it was so fabulous and I am gonna bookmark it.
LaViolette's data matches what's been called (by a Swede) a "new regime" in global weather since 1977 - when the intensity 1st dropped back to 1.
ReplyDeleteBy now the ozone hole is closing, which seems to limit UV cloud formation to higher altitudes, forming cirrus with a distinctly cooling effect, but hard now to distinguish from La Nina.
Interestingly, cirrus would polarize light circularly, exciting valley degrees of freedom.
Study finds thickest parts of Arctic ice cap melting faster. It just supports my theory of geothermal origin of global warming induced with neutrinos. But the scientists cannot recognize it, being an experts in the close areas of their specialization.
ReplyDeleteChecking CryoSat reveals rising Antarctic blue ice
ReplyDeleteOceans Started Warming 135 Years Ago
ReplyDeleteClimatic effects during passage of the Solar System through interstellar clouds from Russell, 1978 in the Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science. Terrestrial temperatures are postulated to increase during the perigalactic passage and decline near the apogalac tic point, producing long-term climatic cycles.
ReplyDeleteBoth uranium-238 and thorium-232 together contribute 20 TW to Earth’s heat flux. The neutrinos emitted from the decay of potassium-40 are below the limits of detection in Borexino and [url=]KamLand experiments[/url], but are known to contribute 4 TW. IMO radioactive decay of the potassium-40 (which is concentrated in the oceans) accelerated with neutrinos from dark matter is the main factor contributing to the global warming and [url=]heat content anomaly[/url] (and increased geovolcanic activity, shift of magnetic poles and many other effects).
ReplyDelete[url=]Potassium could be heating the Earth’s core[/url] too. Geophysicists have found much less potassium in the Earth’s crust and mantle than would be expected based on the composition of rocky meteors that supposedly formed the Earth. They’ve shown that at the high pressures and temperatures in the Earth’s interior, potassium can form an alloy with iron never before observed. During the planet’s formation, this potassium-iron alloy could have sunk to the core, depleting potassium in the overlying mantle and crust and providing a radioactive potassium heat source in addition to that supplied by uranium and thorium in the core.
ReplyDeleteEarth may be crashing through dark matter walls
ReplyDeleteHow radioactive is the ocean, Potassium-40 heats up Earth’s core
ReplyDeleteSteady increase in the mean cloud top wind speeds at low latitude from around 300 km/h to almost 400 km/h (80 - 110 m/s) in the period 2006 - 2013 supports my theory, that the global warming is of cosmological origin and its caused with passing of solar system through dark matter cloud at the galactic plane. We have a number of another indicia for it (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.. )
ReplyDeleteDo the planets affect the sunspot cycle? There was a paper published by the Astronomical Journal in April, 1965 ( vol. 70, page 193) by Paul D. Jose which described just such an effect. He noted that the Sun and planets orbit about a point called the barycenter of the solar system which is located between 0.01 and 2.2 times the radius of the Sun from the Sun's center. He looked at the sunspot record from 1610 to 1954 and found evidence of this same period in the maxima and minima of the 11 year sunspot cycle. In other words, superimposed upon the 11-year cycle, there was a 179 year modulation of the amplitudes of each cycle. This paper is still getting about 2-3 cites per year by other researchers who study long-term changes in the Sun's sunspot cycles. In 1974, in an Nature ( vol. 250, page 398) article Theodore Cohen and Paul Lintz which argued that Jose's 179 year periodicity is not externally-produced, but is a simple beat frequency. They constructed a time spectrum of the sunspot data and discovered that there were significant peaks at periods of 8.3, 9.8, 11.0 and 95.8 years, and that the 11 year and 9.8 year periods which dominate the sunspot 'cycle' had a beat frequency of 181 years, very similar to Jose's 179 year modulation period. In 1990 astronomers studied the frequency content of the solar irradiance by Nimbus 7 satellite over 7 years and noted that the variations in the total solar brightness did change with the 'second derivative' of the solar angular momentum ( d^2L/dt^2) and are primarily caused by Mercury and Venus.
ReplyDeleteThe path of the Sun is actually a loop-de-loop about this point which doesn't close upon itself like an ordinary planetary orbit. Jose discovered that although this motion is complicated, the Sun returns to roughly its starting position with respect to this point every 179 years, which he noted is 9 times the synodic period of Jupiter and Saturn. This means that every 179 years as seen from the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn return to the same spot in the sky. He looked at the sunspot record from 1610 to 1954 and found evidence of this same period in the maxima and minima of the 11 year sunspot cycle. In other words, superimposed upon the 11-year cycle, there was a 179 year modulation of the amplitudes of each cycle. This modulation matched the phase of the rate of change in time of the Sun's angular momentum (dL/dt) with respect to the barycenter. He concluded that "Certain forces exerted upon the Sun by the planets are the cause of the sunspot cycle". In 1987 Fairbridge and Shirley noted that the interaction between the planets and the Sun which modulates the sunspot maxima cannot be tidal because the tidal forces of the planets at the solar surface is one TRILLIONTH of the gravitational force at the Sun's surface. They speculate that there must be some direct, inertial coupling between the Sun's motion about the barycenter and its internal convection pattern which generates the 11-year cycle. It doesn't point to any non-gravitational forces, but to interactions between the sunspot cycle and the Sun's position ( actually the first and second time derivatives of its angular momentum) with respect to the barycenter.
Just another piece into my global warming theory.
ReplyDeletePrehistoric climate change due to cosmic crash in Canada. By theory of American astronomer LaViolette the center of galaxy puffs with period ~ 13 millions of years, which initiates the global warming cycles. LaViolette tried to prove his theory with elevated concentration of Iridium inside of Antarctic ice too - in this case the Iridium would be formed with increased concentration of gamma rays. Maybe both events are actually related - the clouds of dark matter emanated from center of Milky Way initiated the global warming first and after then they deflected the path of planetoids inside to Oort clouds and brought the salves of comets into Solar system. Compare the direction of cloud of interstellar gas, which is travelling fast across center of solar system just from galactic center and the recent observation of X-ray lobes blowing from center of Milky Way.
ReplyDelete[url=]Linking Mass Extinctions To the Sun's Journey In the Milky Way[/url]. It's the transit through the galactic plane, [url=]not through the arms[/url], which makes no good for terresterial life. This plane is supposed to be rich of dark matter in AWT, because the mutual shielding of gravitational shielding is the most pronounced right there. The increased density of dark matter should accelerate the decay of radioactive elements inside of Earth mantle and marine water and to contribute into [url=]heat content anomaly[/url] in this way. BTW the solar system is close to galactic plane and shielded with [url=]Great Dark Rift[/url] right now.
ReplyDeleteThe deep Greenland Sea is warming faster than the world ocean (PDF)
ReplyDeleteEarly humans saw black hole light in the night sky
ReplyDeleteVolcano discovered smoldering under a kilometer of ice in West Antarctica
ReplyDeleteThere was no scientific consensus in the 1970s that the Earth was headed into an imminent ice age. Indeed, the possibility of anthropogenic warming dominated the peer-reviewed literature even then.
ReplyDeleteA paper published in the International Journal of Modern Physics B by the University of Waterloo's Qing-Bin Lu last year claimed that solar activity and human chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) emissions, not carbon dioxide emissions, could explain the observed global warming over the past century. The journal has now published a rebuttal of that paper I'd rather see an estimate of how much warming or cooling can be attributed to CFCs, rather than an attempt to completely deny any effect (CFC-12 is 8,100 times more a GHG than CO2). The reduction in CFCs is why we're closer to Scenario C than Scenario A in Hansen's 1988 paper. Lu has commented the paper. Why ozone hole skeptics are the same as AGW skeptics- clue they are not actually skeptical.
ReplyDeleteResearchers suggest dark matter disk in Milky Way plane could signal rash of comet strikes on Earth (PDF). It's not a new insight. My theory of global warming already linked the dark matter in the galactic plane with elevated frequency of cometary impacts (1, 2). These insights are regularly downvoted here at PO..
ReplyDeleteGlobal Warming (AGW) theory claims the earth is warming because rising CO2 is like a blanket, reducing Earth’s energy loss to space. However, data from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shows that at least for the last 30 years, Earth’s energy loss to space has been rising.
ReplyDeleteBefore an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs, Earth experienced a short burst of intense volcanism These two situations may be related each other if the solar system would pass the dark matter cloud: it would initiate the heating of Earth mantle with acceleration of decay of radioisotopes in it and it would also deflect the paths of asteroids from Oort cloud. IMO the current wave of global warming and geovolcanism can be of the same origin. Compare the mainstream theories 1, 2, 3, and all links herein..)
ReplyDeleteScientists identify mechanism that accelerated the 2011 Japan earthquake According to this observation the seismic stress gets relieving at a gradually accelerating rate for years before the Japanese quake. The measurements indiated the plate boundary was gradually becoming less locked over time. This is not so surprising, because the geovolcanic activity is on the rise during recent decades. In my theory of aquathermal global warming the solar system passes through cloud of dark matter at the galactic plane, which accelerates the decay of radioactive elements (and all LENRs as a whole). The released heat not only alters the convection leading to shift of geomagnetic poles, but it also makes the plate boundary molten and soften. At any case, I'll add the above finding to my steadily growing list of observations, which are supporting this theory.
ReplyDeleteWhile traveling through the disc, the dark matter concentrated there disturbs the pathways of comets typically orbiting far from the Earth in the outer Solar System, Rampino observes. This means that comets that would normally travel at great distances from the Earth
ReplyDeleteinstead take unusual paths, causing some of them to collide with the planet. But even more remarkably, with each dip through the disc, the dark matter can apparently accumulate within the Earth's core. Eventually, the dark matter particles annihilate each other, producing considerable heat. The heat created by the annihilation of dark matter in Earth's core could trigger events such as volcanic eruptions, mountain building, magnetic field reversals, and changes in sea level, which also show peaks every 30 million years. Rampino
therefore suggests that astrophysical phenomena derived from the Earth's winding path through the Galactic disc, and the consequent accumulation of dark matter in the planet's
interior, can result in dramatic changes in Earth's geological and biological activity.
The closest model that I can find is the extensively researched and documented work of Dr. J. Marvin Herndon, and the GeoReactor. Naturally occuring fission was predicted by Paul Kuroda in 1956, then demonstrated at Oklo, Gabon in 1972. It has been completely dismissed since he first published in 1992. Dr. Herndon's summary treatise was published in "Current Science", Feb. 2014.
ReplyDeleteI also believe in geothermal theory of global warming, but IMO the dark matter catalyzed cold fusion is involved - check the changes in tritium levels at Yellowstone, Gobi and another places, for example. These reaction involve also marine water and soil (potassium, calcium). It may sound exotic, but these transmutations were described before one hundred years already - they just were ignored with mainstream physics systematically. Of course, the GeoReactor model is the first step in the correct direction.
Helium-3 Leaking from Earth in Southern California
ReplyDeleteLow-oxygen 'dead zones' in North Pacific linked to past ocean-warming events - it points to geothermal origin of global warming in the past.
ReplyDeleteHydrothermal vents are at least three to six times as abundant as previously thought
ReplyDeleteNew data reveals Earth's mantle much more active than previously suspected. In geological terms, the Earth’s surface bobs up and down like a yo-yo. The
convective currents are moving roughly ten times faster than previously thought.
Earth's internal heat drives rapid ice flow and subglacial melting in Greenland The deep Greenland Sea is warming
faster than the world ocean (PDF) Greenland's ice sheet is melting from both the top both the bottom (1,
Interplay between the mantle and the Greenland Ice Sheet across the plume track
40 Volcanoes Are Erupting Right Now As The Crust Of The Earth Becomes Increasingly Unstable
According to Volcano Discovery 40 volcanoes around the planet are erupting right now as you read this article. Meanwhile, earthquakes continue to shake the globe with alarming regularity. Just last week,
Ecuador was hit by a magnitude 6.7 earthquake and a magnitude 6.8 earthquake in rapid succession. Overall, there have been
more than 3,000 earthquakes of magnitude 1.5 or greater within the past month globally.