Saturday, January 09, 2010

AWT and theory of human conscioussness

This post is a reaction to recent NS article "You won't find consciousness in the brain". In AWT perspective human brain is essentially a condensate of consciousness. This is because every atemporal particle exhibits a traits of conscious behavior: they're moving accross density gradient of vacuum while sniffing for another density gradients via gravitational force/waves like for food, while avoiding the anti-gravity (pressure of radiation). In similar way bacteria or protozoa are following the density gradients of chemical energy concentration, while avoiding heat and another dangers. Analogously, human brain maintains number of solitons, i.e. selfreinforcing wave packets, which are spreading through it like particles of observable reality, which they simulate in advance - so we can say, human brain is sort of simulator of quantum foam, which manifest itself by foamy structure of dark matter at large scale. Therefore it's nothing strange, structure of neurons in simmilar to structure of dark matter streaks and the wavelength of neural solitons (so called human scale) correspond the wavelength of CMB radiation, into which is adopted for by "Similia simillibus observatur" principle.

The insintric property of solitons is, they're making their foamy environment more dense in similar way, like soap foam condenses under shaking temporarily. By Schrodinger equation the mass density of quantum string is proportional by its energy in each space and time interval by E=mc2 equation. You can play with this quantum wave aspect of foamy environment behavior by using Java applet hereing. So when two or more solitons met together, the third soliton will use this place preferably.
Model neuronové membrány s iontovým kanálem

By recent studies neural solitons are sound waves supported by electrochemical activity of neural cell membranes. The membrane potential contracts the membrane, which is in elastic liquid crystal state. After sound wave arrival the membrane potencial is discharged by diffusion of ions via ion channels and the membrane surface follows a self reinforcing wave, i.e. a soliton. The whole process repeats itself in ~100 Hz cycle.
Průřez neurony s viditelnou strukturou mikrotubulů
At the case of highly nonlinear neurons of vertebrates the foamy, extradimensional character of sound wave propagation is forced by internal structure of microtubules in analogous way, in which soliton character of signal in modern hollow-core optical cables is maintained. These fibers served for recent demonstration of quantum phenomena, like event horizons of black holes and Hawking radiation. It means, neuron wave is spreading like evanescent wave in this environment through whole diameter of neuron, thus increasing its nonlinear character under slowing of neuron speed at the price. This mechanism requires to keep temperature of nerves in a quite close range (corresponding the Lifshitz point of quantum criticality), where the liquid crystal nature of membranes is maintained. The cold blooded marine invertebrates are using different strategy and they're increasing speed and eliminating dispersion of solitons by huge diameter of neurons.
  Průřez optickým kablem s voštinovitou strukturou
By excellent Hebbian theory of synaptic plasticity this aspect of soliton behavior is represented by principle "cells that fire together, wire together". When one cell repeatedly assists in firing another, the axon of the first cell develops synaptic knobs (or enlarges them if they already exist) in contact with the soma of the second cell. In this mechanism the principle of associative learning and long-term memory is realized. The process of synapses building is maintained during REM phase of sleep, because its based on dream simulation, where perceptions from outside are suppressed due the strong positive feedback of learning phase. In this way, our brain is gradually becoming terminal board hard-wired for optimal solutions of individual problems, represented by preferred paths of soliton spreading. Maybe the artificial W.I.K.I brain from famous I, robot movie isn't the matter of so distant future.

Schrödinger 1958: A physical scientist does not introduce awareness (sensation or perception) into his theories, and having thus removed the mind from nature, he cannot expect to find it there.


  1. Single-celled creature without any nervous system - and thus intelligence in the classical sense - can provide an efficient solution to a routing problem (via NS)...

  2. Blob intelligence is not unlike our own

    IMO oil droplets doesn't model consciousness completelly, because they doesn't collide in maze and the place, where oil droplets are actually moving doesn't become preferred path for another droplet motion. I.e. these two key factors, which are constituting consciousness in human brain are missing in the maze model.

  3. The above model is simmilar to concept of "liquid computing" developed by Swiss neuroscientist Henry Markram together with Graz University of Technology

    In this model the brain works like a pond in which stones are thrown. The waves caused by this perturbation don't disappear immediately, but rather overlap with each other and collect information about how many stones were thrown in and how big they were. The main difference is just that the waves in the brain spread in a network of neurons and at very high speed.

  4. Although the human brain represents only 2% of the body weight, it receives 15% of the cardiac output, 20% of total body oxygen consumption, and 25% of total body glucose utilization. It's roughly 30 - 150 W of energy in the form of less or more organized motion of charged particles (ions) in high dimensional structures.

    According to some hobbyists, if you design your coil with a caduceus pattern -- i.e., with two opposing sets of windings that cross each other twice per revolution such that their magnetic fields precisely cancel -- the resulting device will radiate highly directional "scalar waves" which are undetectable with ordinary radio equipment but receivable with another caduceus coil perfectly aligned with your first. If it's true, it could be serve as a physical basis of telepathy.

  5. A group of physicists believe that we can physically influence the world around us
    using our consciousness. Announce 11-11 for their worldwide scale experiment.

  6. Incredible! I only recently learned about solitons, but I really think we're touching on something big here...

  7. Your Brain, the Internet and the Universe Have Something Fascinating in Common. This study proposes, that not only are we star-stuff, but that there may be a kind of cosmic feedback loop in the design of our brains and what we’ve created using them.

  8. The study published in the journal Science showed that sleeping mice formed more new connections between neurons, proving that they were learning more.

  9. This does not work. Not all of cognition is associative(hebbian). Signals, like those of sound, can pass through one another.

  10. Your theory plays well with time being an illusion. This fits the looper theory. Throwing dark matter in there is nonsense, but a model based effective theory preserving representations in solitons might work. Dark matter is more than one thing. Some exotic models might be right, but we should leave that to the measure.
