Thursday, February 05, 2009

AWT and the evolution of life

By AWT the life is the highly organized form of matter existence, whose properties and abilities are determined by extremely high degree of nested condensation from space-time perspective. Therefore the life formation occurs always near phase interface, where the highest density of space-time gradients can occur due mutual interference of energy waves constituting both phases. The highest concentration of gradients promotes the evolution of maximal complexity, so we can expect the life formation exactly at the middle of dimensional scale of Universe on high dimensional fractal coast of lakes at islands of ancient oceans, covering surface of planets inside of galaxies forming fractal surface of black holes, where solid, fluid and gaseous phase can met together.

Because life is space-time artifact, not just spatial one, the high density of temporal events, i.e. mutations is required to enable the gradual evolution of complexity. This requires an environment, capable of periodic changes and enabling the dissipation of energy in each step. Periodic and tidal waves of ancient oceans can provide such dissipation, because they're paced slowly enough to enable natural selection. Earth rotation and rotational axis inclination, presence of sufficiently massive Sun and Moon provides another level of periodicity due tidal forces, thus increase randomness of evolutionary process.

By AWT the life evolution follows an ancient Oparin's coacervate theory. Coacervates are tiny oily droplets, which are precipitating spontaneously from saturated solutions of various organic compounds, the racemic mixtures of amino-acids and sugars in particular. Under high concentration and some shaking so called reverse micelles or even double layered liposomes can be formed. Such liposomes can behave like walking droplets, described recently:

We can imagine, such droplets were precipitated from waves of ancient lakes at places, where organic compounds were pre-concentrated by wind and solar radiation and they were thrown at coast surface, covered by various surfactants. The droplets are attracted to them, so they started to climb around coast, collecting these materials in their cells. The most successful droplets become so large by such way, they fragmented into smaller ones under impact of next breaker wave, and whole process has repeated many times. Blastulation can be considered as a rudiment of this process by now.

During this the less successful ("low fitness") droplets disappeared gradually on behalf of those better ones, which have collected the proper surfactants into their liposome bodies. Later the concurrence has lead into preference of droplets, which were not only able to collect surfactants, but even to collect the chemicals, able to synthesize them inside of cells. These droplets has become able to digest food after then, so they become hunters of less successful droplets, not just passive collectors of matter from outside. Of course, such competition has accelerated the evolution a much.

And this saga continues till now...
Note that in this early stage of life evolution the inheritance was provided by physical mechanism completely, simply by dividing of cells together with their interior and surface membranes. By AWT the evolution of life follows exactly the evolution of inorganic matter in more nested dimensional scales, i.e. no ribonucleic acids, chromosomes or other contemporary subtleties were required here. We can consider, this mechanism could be reproduced in vitro under proper conditions without problem. Recently living examples of walking droplets were found: a single-celled giant amoebas of very ancient origin.

From AWT follows, such amoebas were first unicellular organisms by the same way, like sponges of foamy structure can be considered as a first multicellular animals. After all, the tissue of higher organisms is rudiment of foam with flat surface as well. The smaller structures (structures bellow human scale of about 1,7 cm) are having concave structures (organelles), while larger tends to become convex (trees, fungi), because they're kept together by surface tension forces. Therefore first organisms were relativelly large from their very beginning, because electromagnetic interaction itself doesn't provide necessary level of complexity and inheritance at molecular level.
Concerning the creationist approach to life formation, the "intelligent constructer" idea is dual to Aether concept and it can be replaced by it easily. From remote space-time perspective every gradualistic evolution becomes discontinuous stepwise artifact by the same way, like event horizon of black holes, when observed from large distance. Every logical explanation is concentrating non-causal assumptions on background, so it becomes a sort of religion. The belief doesn't differ from adherence to causal logics too much, because both approaches tends to tautology by gradual elimination of postulates.


  1. A new study published in Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences rejects the theory that the origin of life stems from a system of self-catalytic molecules capable of experiencing Darwinian evolution without the need of RNA or DNA and their replication.


    By AWT just these running oil droplets - not the tiny molecules - should be the first liveforms on Earth

    This hypothesis fits better the insight of Aether Wave Theory, in which objects of maximal complexity always follow the wavelength of cosmic microwave background radiation (i.e. dual objects of maximal randomnes).

    Currently solitons in human brain forms the highest level of matter evolution - the human brain is just a substrate for their independent life. Their activity is subconscious and people cannot influent it by their willpower. We're just doing, what these tiny creatures want.

  3. Oil Drop Navigates Complex Maze

    By AWT just these running oil droplets - not the tiny molecules - should be the first liveforms on Earth

    This hypothesis fits better the insight of Aether Wave Theory, in which objects of maximal complexity always follow the wavelength of cosmic microwave background radiation (i.e. dual objects of maximal randomnes).

    Currently solitons in human brain forms the highest level of matter evolution - the human brain is just a substrate for their independent life. Their activity is subconscious and people cannot influent it by their willpower. We're just doing, what these tiny creatures want.

  4. Life Could Have Evolved in Armoured Clay Bubbles?

    I don't think, the protective conditions of clays could speed up the evolution. Instead of it, rather the repetitive coalesce and breaking of micelles at the surface of sea in coastal waves could increase the number of generation cycles as possible. The evolution of life at the molecular level would require a high number of such generation cycles.

    From perspective of AWT (Aether Wave Theory) the terrestrial life is the consequence of traveling of subtle portion of energy at as large distance, as possible "at single place". We can compare the intelligent life to the capillary waves, which are remaining after splash at the surface of water, when all other waves dispersed. Such residual ripples would interact with its neighborhood via transverse waves nearly exclusively, which is what we are doing by now with using of light. The periodicity of coastal waves and tidal cycles therefore could help the evolution of life a lot.

  5. In AWT theory the species of insect are most numerous at Earth, because the life at the distance scale of CMBR radiation brings the highest complexity in the Universe: it balances the worlds of relativity and quantum mechanics. The size of human neurons and distance, at which their spikes travel correspond this dimensional scale too. We can observe this sorting inside the purely mechanical systems too: for example the size of ice particles inside of Saturn rings is the consequence of natural selection too: many repetitive collisions and fragmentation of ice particles are balanced with their gradual gravitational coalesce. It's the result of balance between fragmentation of matter with CMBR noise (which works as a shaker) and shielding of CMBR noise (which works as a glue). This balance may apply the more, the more the massive objects can persist at the single place at the Universe and the more they remain separated from another irregular influences.

  6. Russell’s hypothesis proposes that the transition to life was brought about by a peculiar geophysical and geochemical process called

  7. A New Thermodynamics Theory of the Origin of Life: Jeremy England, a 31-year-old physicist at MIT, thinks he has found the underlying physics driving the origin and evolution of life.

  8. Dividing Droplets Could Explain Life’s Origin It requires to have amphiphillic molecules with two or more hydrophobic chains, like the polyphosphate esters. From this reason the phosphate acids and esters occur everywhere in the bimolecular chemistry (RNA/DNA, ADP/ATP, neural cell phospholipides, etc.).

  9. Scientists use protein, RNA to make hollow, spherical sacks called vesicles. Such an experiments enforce theory, that RNA-like molecules served like molecules of soap stabilizing coacervate protocels and providing inheritance for them. CP invariance violation and chirality of life
