Monday, December 29, 2008

Aether and Boltzmann brain concept

The idea of Boltzmann Brain (BB) was originated by unnamed assistant of L. Boltzmann, who conjectured, whole Universe is sort of especially huge and complex, but still quite randomly formed fluctuation inside of chaotic particle environment. Such Universe could enable the spontaneous formation (evolution) of hypothesized self-aware entity which arises due to random fluctuations out of a state of chaos. It's apparent, this conjecture follows the dense Aether concept of AWT so closely, so that BB appears to be a integral part of it. No wonder, BB concept is recently gaining interests of mainstream physics, which gradually saturates all possibilities, how to understand the Universe in classical positivistic way based on formal sequential logic.

Ludwig Boltzmann

The purpose of this post is to explain the conceptual mistake of seeming BB paradox, which is arguing, if we are just a low-entropy fluctuation in a high-entropy world, then virtually everything in the Universe should appear in a disordered state without a consistent history. Such argument is the consequence of deep misunderstanding of physical reality, because the highly ordered states cannot interact with low ordered states by the same (i.e. causual) way, like with each other mutually. After all, my struggles in explanation of AWT concept to the rest of society illustrates this problem clearly. Similia similibus affecter, only similar things can influent each other similarly - so we cannot exchange information with less or more conscious creatures easily due the dispersion and total reflection phenomena of casual energy spreading.

From AWT perspective people are driven by symmetric (flat) bra(i)nes comprising of a large, but convoluted time dimension. Just because human brain is product of long term evolution, it cannot interact with atemporal density fluctuations well. It's completely a symmetry problem, following from laws of inertial energy spreading inside of large particle system. The flat density fluctuations of Aether (i.e. gradients or "branes") can interact with those symmetrical only temporarily in longitudinal waves. Such interactions are only weak and/or short distance ones. The long distance atemporal interactions would require the transversal waves instead, which can be produced/exchanges just by another flat branes - end of story.

Briefly speaking, the fact we aren't seeing the whole Universe chaotic consist just in fact, such chaos interact by quite weak way in gravity waves or short distance interactions with us. Whole the vacuum is full of such disordered states, which we cannot see, just because we are special flat brane (a density gradient of fluctuation) involving a large amount of compacted time dimensions. So that we are perceiving these highly entropic states as a empty space-time, i.e. as a vacuum only, thus ignoring whole such part of reality completelly.

While for primitive organisms the Universe appears small, for well developed creatures, which are product of long term evolution of many mutations such Universe appears large. So we can imagine the causal portion of such chaotic system like nested foam or fractal tree or nested foam/sponge, the complexity of which increases with scale together with its ability to interact with indeterministic portion of Universe. By AWT the Universe can be modeled by dense system of many nested fluctuations and after then the scope, in which every fluctuation can interact and observe it neighborhood simply depend on space-time scale (the number of states/mutations involved). It means, the density fluctuations of every sufficiently large volume of such particle system are becomes sufficiently complex to interact with the rest and to observe it as a Universe by the same way, like tiny density fluctuations can interact with its neighborhood inside of dense gas.

BB concept makes the occurrence of intelligent life rather undeniable, but such civilizations should be dispersed regularly through space-time, i.e. along flat spatial branes (surface medium sized planets inside of medium sized galaxies, enabling sufficient long term evolution). The flatness of space artifacts increases the probability of long term evolution due the space-time symmetry reasons. With respect to AWT definition of time we can see again, Aether concept simplifies the understanding of BB concept a lot.

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