Sunday, November 23, 2008

How much Universe appears clever for us?

By AWT the Universe appears as infinite random field of nested density fluctuations. The chaotic systems are usually perceived as a counterpart of highly intelligent systems, but this stance can be misleading. For example, from perspective of ancient people or our animal pets the modern civilization and human behavior would appear a highly chaotic and unpredictable, because these unconscious observers would lack insights, about hidden motivations of people in many nested dimensions. The introduction of hidden dimensions can be modeled by projection of regularly rotating rod in 3D into 2D plane: the motion of rod shadow will always appear more chaotic then the motion of original rod. And the image of rod will appear shortened in average - so it will resemble the chaotic motion of zero dimensional Aether particles more closely (a holographic intepretation of quantum mechanics and Universe is based on such insight, too). Therefore the density fluctuations inside of gas ("strings" or "branes") can be modelled by projection of causual waves in higher dimensions as a caustics energy density patterns into our low-dimensional reality.

Therefore we can imagine, the motion inside of fields of nested density fluctuations is highly deterministic from sufficiently general perspective, because the chaotic motion of these "unparticles" is just driven by many interactions at the same moment, so that such particles reflect all changes of environment immediately and exactly, being lightweight sufficiently. We can say, the intelligence of people is limited just because they cannot reflect all changes of their environment by sufficiently fast and farseeing way - while all these clever elementary particle can. This is the reason, why the evolution of nonliving matter occurs in substantially wider range of conditions, then the evolution (a condensation) of organic matter (while the later occurs much faster, indeed) - these smarty particles are apparently a quite well adopted to their environment already!

From this dual perspective the fully chaotic Universe appears as infinitely intelligent system instead (a sort of an omnipresent and omniscient God), whereas the human intelligence is just a tiny part of it, concentrated into tiny space-time by long-term evolution. Such insight renders various deistic and transhumanistic approaches a quite relevant by the same way, like the idea, the civilization runs as a simulation. Unfortunately, these approaches are too radical and as such unbalanced and distant from everyday perspective, so it's not so easy to derive some testable predictions by using them, with compare to AWT. Instead of it - as we can see - these ideas can be derived from AWT concepts easily by logical way.

The title question is related closely to question, why the Universe appears so well fitted and balanced for human life evolution? By AWT this observation isn't accidental at all, because every causal condensate would perceive its neighborhood as a best fitted to its needs, being a product of its evolution. By AWT every anthropic view of reality is balanced by insight, the Universe is just a product of human illusions, so we are seeing the Universe as a best place for life simply because we tend to ignore the other lethal combinations subconsciously, the parallelized information mediated by longitudinal waves in particular.

"I feeling"/ego corresponds the total reflection phenomena, where waves are bouncing from internal wall of every density gradient in this perspective. Only when this density gradient is sufficiently intensive (i.e. intelligent) a total reflection can occur. From AWT perspective of Boltzmann brain an interesting connection follows: every sufficiently large piece of random chaos can become intelligent automatically and it will interact with the rest of it by the similar way, like we are observing our Universe.


  1. This theory is Just another fill in the blanks in science. Band-aid type concepts you can say. If any scientific theory stagnates its own growth by saying omnipotent creature exists then that theory is not scientific.Just another preaching from quran follower that is for sure.

  2. AWT just says, infinitelly dense particle environment CAN appear like God from perspective of internal observer of it - no less, no more.

    It doesn't matter if you believe in Aether, Big Bang, hidden dimensions, emergence or God concepts very much from such perspective. By AWT every causual logic is ballanced by belief in accordance to uncertainty principle, because every transversal wave is ballanced by many longitudinal ones, every causaul reality is formed by interactions of many less or more hidden particles in less or more hidden dimensions on background.
